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Why Carbohydrates are Not the devil!!!

"Carbohydrates are your body’s main fuel source. But not all carbohydrates are alike! In this video I help you understand the difference between good (complex) and bad (simple) carbs

Carbohydrate Examples:

A medium Banana 27g Carbs A Medium Apple 25g Carbs 1/2 cup cooked Brown rice 23g Carbs 1/2 cup cooked Wholemeal Pasta 18g Carbs 1/2 Cup Quinoa 20g Carbs Wholemeal Slice of bread 12g Carbs Medium Baked Sweet potato 26g Carbs

Below are the calculations for you to work out how many carbs you should be having. If you are looking to lose weight, you want to be on the lower side of this and if you are looking to gain weight, you should be looking at the higher end of this scale. This also depends on your activity level. Endurance athletes should always try and hit the higher end of the scale to fuel the body sufficiently.

The easy and rough way to do it is to workout it out based on your body weight and exercise level: 3g per KG of body weight if you aren’t doing anything 4-6g per KG if you are doing moderate exercise 7-10g per KG if you are on an endurance programme 8-12g per KG if you are a full time endurance athlete. Example: I am 71KG and I would say my workouts are not endurance so I would say moderate. So it would be 5g x 71KG = 355g of carbohydrates a day. The more accurate way of working it out, but way more long winded is below. I think it is worth you doing it just once to see what you should be eating. The recommended carbohydrate intake is between 30% - 65% of your recommended calorie intake for a day, depending on your goal. First of all we need to workout your recommended calorie intake for the day, by working out your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR): Quick and easy way to work it out:

BMR= 22 calories/KG of bodyweight for women BMR= 24.2 calories/KG of bodyweight for men Example: If you weigh 70 KG and you are a man, your BMR is 1,694 calories. For a more detailed and exact way, use the formula below: W = weight in kilograms (weight (lbs)/2.2) =weight in kg H = height in centimeters (inches x 2.54) =height in cm A = age in years Men: BMR=66.47+ (13.75 x W) + (5.0 x H) - (6.75 x A) Women: BMR=665.09 + (9.56 x W) + (1.84 x H) - (4.67 x A) Example: I weigh 71KG, I am 177cm tall and I am 21. 66.47 + (13.75 x 71) + (5.0 x 177) - (6.75 x 21) = 66.47 + 976.25 + 885 - 141.75 = 1,785.97 calories (BMR) Once you calculate your BMR factor in activity to account for calories burned during exercise. BMR x 1.2 for low intensity activity. (Walking to work but mainly not doing much) BMR x 1.375 for light exercise like walking for 30-50 minutes 3-4 days/week. BMR x 1.55 for moderate exercise 3-5 days per week. BMR x 1.725 for active people working out 6-7 days/week at moderate to high intensity. BMR x 1.9 for mega active people doing heavy/intense exercise like heavy lifting and endurance sports 6-7 days/week for 90 + minutes/session. Example: My BMR is 1,785.97 and I work out at moderate to high intensity 6-7 days a week, but I am no endurance athlete. 1,785.97 x 1.725 = 3,080.8 (Calories recommended for me each day) Now we have our calorie intake, workout 30% - 65% of that number and then divide it by 4 to get the answer in grams Recommended Carbohydrate Intake (g) = (Calorie Intake x between 0.45 and 0.65)/4 Example = My calorie intake is 3,080.8. (3,080.8 x 0.3)/4 = 231.06g (3,080.8 x 0.65)/4 = 500.63g So my recommended carbohydrate intake is between 231.06g and 500.63g. REMEMBER: These are all just recommendations, please consult your doctor if you have any underlying medical conditions etc before changing your diet too dramatically. Subscribe for all of my YouTube updates: Keep up to date on what's going on @"


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